
Getting Rid Of The This Nasty Philippine Made Virus

Last month my computer got infected by a virus. There is really no formal name for the virus since most of the anti-virus makers up to know have still not identified it. In fact when you search for a "remover" for this virus in google you cannot find any.

(Correct me if I am wrong) There are only instructions on how to remove it and only a few websites are giving such instructions. The reason for this is because this virus is local, that is made in the Philippines. Before I start detailing to you how to remove it, let us first know the symptoms of the virus. SYMPTOMS: 1.) Your internet explorer title bar has the message "TTMS NAA NA DIRE! DONT WORRY IM NOT A CORRUPT LIKE YOU!!" 2.

) If you go to "Start" > "Run" and type "regedit." A message will pop up that says "Registry editing is disabled by your administrator." 3.) In windows explorer you can see a file or several files called "TTMS???.

vbs.dll" (The question mark stands for numbers, like TTMS123.vbs.

dll) This file is also present in your c:\windows directory) HOW TO REMOVE IT IN YOUR COMPUTER Step 1 - Delete the virus file in the registry a.) Doug Knox has an excellent, registry enabler tool. Download it from his site. (Doug Knox' tool requires you to reboot so that you could access the registry) b.) After you have rebooted your computer and after you are inside windows press CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the task manager.

Go to "Processes Select "WSCRIPT.EXE" and click "End Process" c.) Go to START > RUN > then type "Regedit" to access the registry.

d.) In the registry editor go to EDIT > FIND type "TTMS*." This command will bring up all the files with the word TTMS. Click on it and press delete. Repeat this until you have deleted everything related to the TTMS virus.

(Please take note if you have an important program with a file with the words TTMS be careful about doing this) e.) To change the annoying message in your Internet explorer title bar, in the registry editor, do the following: 1.) In the left panel, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERS>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Internet Explorer>Main 2.) In the right panel, locate and modify the entry: From Window Title = "TTMS IS IN YOUR PC, DON'T WORRY I'M NOT CORRUPT AS YOU!" 3.) Change the value to Window title = "Microsoft Internet Explorer" 4.) In the left panel, locate the following: HKEY_USERS>%USERID%>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Internet Explorer>Main NOTE: %USERID% is the current user ID in the registry.

5.) In the right panel, locate and modify the entry: From Window Title = "TTMS IS IN YOUR PC, DON'T WORRY I'M NOT CORRUPT AS YOU!", Change the value to Window title = "Microsoft Internet Explorer" STEP 2 - Ensure that you have disabled "System Restore." This is prevent you from going back to a restore point, inadvertently activating the virus. You can accomplish this by going to START > SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL > SYSTEM > SYSTEM RESTORE and check "Turn of system restore in all hard drives" STEP 3 - Delete all virus strains a.

) Set windows explorer to show hidden files. Do this by going to WINDOWS EXPLORER > TOOLS > FOLDER OPTIONS > VIEW > HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS Click on "Show hidden files and folders" b.) In your windows explorer, go to drive C right click and select Open. (Do not double click to prevent the virus from activating.

) c.) You must DELETE all files starting with "TTMS" it is there are usually 1 to 4 files. d.) Check to see if there is an "autorun.inf" in the drive. Using notepad, open the file.

Once you see this link '[autorun]shellexecute=wscript.exe TTMS831.dll.vbs'. DELETE the file.

e.) Repeat all the other steps for all hard disk. and for the C:\Windows folder.

how to remove TTMS NA NA DIRE is not the only topic that Zigfred Diaz blogs about. He is an authority on several interesting topics such as, money management, investments, How to invest in the Philippine stock market entrepreneurship, leadership, etc. Visit his blog today !

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